
Online meeting become more and more popular, it is the trend of the market. As we all know that the Tele conference is widely used in Airline nowadays. So what is the advantage of the Tele conferencing for airline?

Which video conference system is better for Airline? Here WODWIN build a complete tele conferencing system for airline.

Obviously, the video conference camera system can improve the efficiency of work. And it reduce the cost for airline management.



The advantage of video conferencing system for Airline


1.It is super compatibility with various software

All the conference system including the video conference camera and conference microphones, they are compatibility with various software.

And adapt to multi complex conference system use in different environment.


2. The PTZ camera is HD reasolution

The PTZ camera’s video image quality reaches 1080P/60fps resolution. And it can share the HD content in real time.


3.  The content of the Airline meeting is be well protect

In order to ensure the security of the meeting content. WODWIN takes into account the actual security needs while they build this video conferencing system.


5G techonolgy will effect the future of Aviation


Since 5G techonology is developing fastly, we believe that more and more airlines will start to use this video conferencing system to hold the meeting.

Do you want to learn more knowledge of the teleconference for airline?

In the next article, we will share more solution for airline video conferencing device.

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