With the popularity of webcam, there are many webcams with different functions on the market. And the demand for Webcam features is increasing. The web camera are widely used in live streaming, online study, and remote meeting. WODWIN will show more regarding the Conference Camera Webcam for Video Conferencing.
1. Video Conference Camera Webcam
Someone with a desktop computer may not have a webcam. And those with laptops may want to capture better image quality than the laptop’s built-in webcam. At this time, a Full HD Webcam can meet your image quality requirements. A webcam can also be placed in the location that works best for you. Especially if you are using multiple monitors. With a Full HD Webcam, you get enhanced image quality. Some ordinary cameras may not meet your image quality expectations. And some cameras also require an external power supply. This can be a problem if your meetings last several hours or if you have several meetings a day.
The WIN-H2K2B is a Conference Webcam Camera from WODWIN. It is capable of 2K/30FPS resolution for high-definition, fidelity image transmission. Because it is a USB2.0 interface, so you can connect it directly to your computer without installing other drivers. Even if your meeting lasts for hours, you don’t have to worry about the power supply.
Conference Camera Webcam for Video Conferencing
2. All In One Webcam
There are many webcams on the market with different functions. Some webcams only have a camera and no microphone, you may need to add an additional external microphone. There are also webcams that have a microphone, but no speaker, you will need to purchase additional speakers yourself.
All In One Webcam is a webcam that integrates a camera, a microphone, and a speaker. The unique speaker design allows users to hear the sound clearly. Suitable for use in small and medium-sized meetings. And more conveniently, the All In One Webcam can be used as a normal speaker on your computer alone, without the need to purchase another speaker. WODWIN’s WIN-H2K2B All In One Webcam is a webcam that integrates a camera, a microphone and a speaker. One device solves all your troubles. It can be widely used in small and medium-sized meeting rooms, distance education, remote training, video conferencing, etc.
Finally, there will be some price difference between most ordinary webcams and All In One Webcam. But All In One Webcam will have better cost performance compared to normal webcam. After all, buying one All In One Webcam is like having three devices at the same time. If you would like to know more Conference Camera Webcam for Video Conferencing. You can contact us at sales@wodwins.com.